Once upon a time, there was a six-year-old girl named Arya. She was an only child, and her parents doted on her every whim. She was a precocious child, with a vivid imagination and a love for all things macabre. Her parents found it charming, and they indulged her every time she asked to watch a horror movie or read a scary storybook.
One day, Arya’s parents woke up to find that their daughter was not in her bed. They searched the house frantically, calling out her name, but there was no response. After searching the entire house, they found her in the basement, sitting in front of a dusty old mirror that had been left there by the previous owners. Arya was staring intently at her reflection, her eyes wide with fascination.
Her parents breathed a sigh of relief and took her back to her room. But from that day on, Arya became obsessed with the mirror. She would spend hours sitting in front of it, talking to her reflection and giggling to herself. Her parents tried to discourage her, but she became more and more attached to the mirror with each passing day.
As time went on, strange things began to happen in the house. Objects would move on their own, strange noises would echo through the halls, and doors would open and close without explanation. Arya’s parents tried to brush it off as their imaginations running wild, but they couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.
One day, they decided to confront Arya about the mirror. They asked her why she was so fascinated by it, and she simply shrugged and said, “I like the lady in the mirror. She’s my friend.”
A chill ran down her parents’ spines as they looked at each other in confusion. They had never seen anyone else in the mirror when Arya was sitting in front of it. But before they could question her further, Arya suddenly became very quiet and refused to speak.
That night, her parents heard strange whispers coming from Arya’s room. They crept down the hallway and peeked inside, only to find Arya sitting in front of the mirror, whispering to her reflection in a language they couldn’t understand. They were terrified and didn’t know what to do.
The next day, they decided to call in a priest to bless the house. But when the priest arrived, he took one look at Arya and recoiled in horror. He told her parents that their daughter was possessed by an evil spirit and that they needed to perform an exorcism immediately.
Arya’s parents were skeptical but desperate. They agreed to the exorcism, and the priest began to recite prayers and sprinkle holy water around the room. As he did so, Arya began to scream and thrash around, her eyes rolling back in her head.
But just as suddenly as it had begun, the exorcism ended. Arya collapsed onto the bed, and the priest proclaimed that the evil spirit had been expelled. Her parents were overjoyed and thanked the priest profusely.
But as they were leaving, the priest turned to them and said, “You know, there was something strange about that mirror. I could feel a presence in there. I think you should get rid of it.”
Arya’s parents were shocked. They had never told the priest about the mirror, and they had assumed that he knew about the possession through his own powers of observation. But as they thought about it, they realized that the priest must have had some kind of psychic ability.
They quickly got rid of the mirror and never spoke of the incident again. But Arya’s parents could never shake the feeling that there was something dark and unsettling lurking in their daughter’s room.
But Arya herself seemed unaffected by the incident. She went back to her normal, cheerful self, and her parents breathed a sigh of relief. They tried their best to put the incident behind them and move on with their lives.
However, several months later, Arya’s parents received a shocking piece of news. The previous owners of their house had been murdered in their sleep by their own daughter, who had been possessed by an evil spirit. The family had left the mirror behind, and it was now clear to Arya’s parents that the same evil spirit had possessed their daughter through the mirror.
Arya’s parents were horrified. They realized that their daughter had narrowly escaped the same fate as the previous owners. They immediately contacted the priest who had performed the exorcism, and he confirmed their suspicions. The mirror was indeed a conduit for evil spirits, and it had to be destroyed immediately.
The priest returned to their house and performed a ritual to destroy the mirror. As the glass shattered and the pieces fell to the floor, they could feel the heavy weight of evil lifting from their home. Arya’s parents were relieved and grateful that they had acted quickly to save their daughter.
But as they were cleaning up the broken glass, they noticed something strange. Among the shards, they saw a tiny, twisted figure. It was a little girl, no more than six years old, with dark hair and a mischievous grin on her face. They gasped in horror as they realized that the little girl was the evil spirit that had possessed their daughter.
They quickly called the priest back, and he confirmed that the evil spirit had been trapped inside the mirror all along. It had taken on the form of a little girl to lure other children into its clutches, and it had found its latest victim in Arya.
Arya’s parents were grateful that their daughter had survived the ordeal, but they couldn’t help feeling a sense of unease. They knew that evil spirits were real, and they knew that they could be lurking anywhere. They had to be vigilant and protect their daughter at all costs.
From that day on, Arya’s parents made sure to shield their daughter from anything that could possibly attract evil spirits. They kept her away from horror movies and scary stories, and they never let her out of their sight. They knew that the evil spirit that had possessed their daughter was still out there, waiting for its next victim, and they vowed to never let it happen again.
or so they thought…
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